Saturday, January 3, 2009

Here Comes 2009

Well 2008 is finished. Am I happy about this? YES. That year was kinda suckish (for lack of a better term). Sophomore year was hard and frustrating. Nothing good happened.
Here is 2009. I want to make it be a great year. I'm going to try. Like, I am really going to try. Want to know how?
1. I am going on a diet and getting rid of my flub.
2. Well, my grades suck right now but I will make an effort to pull them up.
3. I am getting my drivers license!!!! =)
4. I am getting a job. (this isn't so fun but at least i'll have money).
5. I get to choose colleges and stuff. Choosing is fun. applying is not. We'll see how it goes...
6. I get to be a senior. I'm not that excited about that. Kinda neutral actually. I just want to graduate and get out of here!!
7. I am starting up guitar lessons again!!! WOOT WOOT!

As I look over this list I am realizing that this stuff does not seem too fun. Its not fun. But its all a part of growing up. Maybe that is what i am excited about.
Anyway, these are my thoughts
until next time...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thoughts of College

I am a very organized person. Well, not really but I attempt to be. I like to plan out my days starting from when I get up to when I go to bed. Due to the lack of time I have each day, the chance to write out a set schedule for myself is rare. To keep myself organized, like most people, I make a mental checklist. This helps to remind me of both the small tasks I need to get done and the things I need to start thinking about.
Since the end of my eighth grade year, one of the things I've been thinking about is college, and my career. Back then, this was just something fun to think about. Now that I am an upcoming junior in high school, the pressure is on to start making decisions.
Here are my options:
English major: I enjoy both reading and writing. I have been told that I have a better grasp on the English language than most people my age. I don't necessarily agree with that statement, because I know plenty of people my age who use words that I've never even heard of, regularly. Anyway, that is not the point. As much as I enjoy writing, I tend to often get writer's block, get discouraged, and then stop writing. This problem of mine won't get me through 4 or more years of college.
Theatre major: I became interested in the theatre in my freshman year of high school. I've auditioned for every show so far and have been involved in all except one of them. I'll be honest. I don't get lead roles. I, by far, am not the most talented actor or singer at my school. I have taken a few theatre courses in school and have improved from those courses. Even though I am not the star of all the shows, I have fun. I enjoy being in plays, reading plays, seeing plays, et cetera. I would have fun studying them in college. My fear is that after college, if I am not talented enough to land any paying roles, then what will I do? I suppose I could teach. But lets be honest-- teachers are not reasonably paid. And if I can help it, I don't want to be one of those people who has to work 3 jobs for the rest of their lives in order to pay the bills.
Music major: Music has always been a part of my life. I remember when I was 6 years old, I received my first Walkman. It came with me everywhere I went. This was the mid 90's therefore all my CDs were of the popular boy bands such as Nsync and the Backstreet Boys. As time went on, technology advanced, as did my way of listening to music. I went from the Walkman to the mp3 player to the ipod. now I use all of those plus vinyl records. this allows me to listen to and learn about all different styles of music. Not only do i listen to music, but I also play it. when I was in 3rd grade, I started taking piano lessons. For the first 2 years, I hated it. But after learning and mastering the basic theory, something just snapped and I began to understand and love it. I have just started my 7th year of playing. I'm pretty good at it. Recently, I have taken up the guitar. It gives me a different perspective in regards to music and it has helped me to improve upon my musicianship . This is somthing I undoubtedly want to continue, not matter what career I choose. The only thing holding me back from pursuing this in college is the fact that I probably couldn't meet all the standards of a music major. I honestly would not be able to practice for 5 and 6 hours per day. That would just take away the fun of playing. Plus, I do not like being told what to play. I play the music that I want to play. That's how I am. And just for a side note, unless one is playing at the Kennedy Center, musicians get paid next to nothing.
Photography major: Recently, I have been interested in photography. Surprisingly, I'm not half bad at it. I plan on entering some of my photos in contests and what not. We'll see where that takes me. It is very easy for me to see myself pursuing photography in college and for a career. I enjoy taking photos and then editing to give them a unique look. Downfalls: I do not want to b e a newspaper photographer even though thats really the only job I could get without taking a few big risks. Also, (my apologies if this sounds redundant) photographers do not make much.

These are the thoughts I have been pondering over for awhile now. I've talked to my parents about this dilemma. they suggested community college for 2 years so that I don't have to declare a major right away. If I absolutely can't decide what I want to do by the end of this year, then I will make that an option. I'd rather go to a 4 year university. I have nothing against community college. I just don't think it is for me...
These are my thoughts.
Until next time...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The First Post

So, I am using this blog as a public journal to share my thoughts, feelings, views and such. I would like to point out that everything I post on here is merely my own opinion. As you read each post, feel free to leave comments expressing what you think about what I've written (even if you have opposing opinions). I appreciate you taking time out of your life to read what I have to say. Well, that's all for now.